Sunday, October 28, 2007

#12 Rollyo ho ho

I've had a good look around this site, created an account and added some search rolls I might find useful. Once again it's a time will tell thing. I'll see whether, and how often, I refer to this and whether I find it more efficient (for my purposes) than using favourites or bookmarks. I think it would be a good idea, over time, to create a search roll for myself from the best of the search rolls' urls or from addresses I discover and like. I have a feeling this could become like my experience with bloglines and RSS : I did the exercise about them, feeling fairly dubious, and then I discovered Google Reader, established a new group of feeds, and now I find myself checking them regularly! So I guess 2.0 opens the door and what I do when I'm inside is up to me!

Best thing for me with this exercise was the simply splendid directions for putting My Rollyo on my blog template. This helped me do this very easily, and then I used it for My LibrayThing bookcovers. They are both on the left hand side of this blog page. Thanks!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

# 11 Librarything and everything else

So here's another thing I never knew existed....Facebook for books! It's another thing to play about with over time and see how useful it is. But it's one thing to recall and enter all the books you've read (which, if my brain allowed, would be over 200 and incur a fee), and quite another to imagine accessing my catalogue with my mobile phone. Perhaps at a party when I just can't remember the exact title but know the author? Friends might start worrying about me. Perhaps in a book shop 'cause I can't remember if I've read it? Hmm. I feel a touch of OCD coming along! But I'd like to see how it works linked into a library catalogue.

I know you'll want to dive straight in and look at my books, so here's the most absolutely fabulous thing of all! It's taken me the better part of the afternoon to figure it out, but if you click on the title of this blog, you'll get straight in!

One way and t'other, my horizons are broadening!

# 10 From the sublime to the ridiculous

Looking at image generators can take up huge slabs of time! So many, many options on the Generator Blog. I've done much playing in an area I knew nothing about and found much that was funny and much that was riduculous. And much that on the last step of the process, or when I first clicked on, wasn't functioning. And my little Hermoine here was one of my first attempts. I can't use any of the others I ended up saving at this stage; all of a sudden the blogger is hiccuping when I try to upload a pic! Still, a brave new world has been opened up for me! And I'll try to blog one of the others later.

Incidentally, LetterJames and AlphaPicture are being rehabilitated and won't be back up until the 29th.

Oh, and the link to my image is :

# 9 Rssssssssssss........

Forgot to number this one when I actually did it a couple of weeks ago! But in the meantime I have taken the advice of a fellow 2.0 blogger and set up a Google reader. And I do prefer the layout and the way, when I check my RSS feeds, the newer ones are already open on the right hand side of the page. Among my subscriptions with Google are Guardian Unlimited Books, London Review of Books and NYT Books. So the other day, when I thought to check it out, I very quickly found who had won the Booker Prize, an interview with the author and a review of the book. So this assignment became useful! And the feeds I've chosen aren't all dutifully serious. I've added Marieke Hardy's blog and a blog called "The Society for Librarians who say M......." Well, I perhaps shouldn't say what they say here : if you watch The Sopranos you won't have much trouble figuring it out! And it's a blog for people who work in libraries to debrief about the good, the bad and the ugly of their day.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

# 7 technological leaping...well for this blogger anyway!!

I slaved over the very simple step of pasting the bloglines address onto my blog, retracing my steps over and over until I finally discovered the error of my ways and hey presto! It was easy really! Some days later at work we were talking about bloglines and I described my predicament and then showed another 2.0 participant the key to getting this right. She of course had no idea of the effort involved on my part to be able to do this - rather like young women have no idea of the early feminist struggles to achieve for them the basic equalities they have grown up with!!! But I was thrilled to realise that : I had retained the information; I could show someone else what to do...sort of simply!

So it is a relief to know that I am learning a lot of new things with 2.0 and am able to share them. And that all this learning gives me more confidence on the internet in general as I mess about with RSS feeds, flickr, facebook, bloglines,...etc. Only it doesn't get the washing done, or the pruning, the vacuuming, the ironing, the shopping. Nor the book read. Let alone any face to face socialising with real people!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

#6 A trading card...via flickr

My creation, originally uploaded by elplates.

Here it is..better late than never!!!! Trying to fill in those gaps on the staff tracking log, as well as having a play with flickr and being led step by simple step through the process. This seems to me to be a very user friendly site. All you need is the time and space and place to indulge!

But why, when it's truly Saturday afternoon and I am doing this on my weekend, does the blog say it's Friday??? As if I have time to do this in my working day??

And this trading card is a decent size so that if any people with my sort of eyes want to actually read it, no further clicking's required!!